Can Gene Expression be positively corrected with homeopathy?
Ans: Gene expression is positively corrected when homoeopathic remedies are taken regularly. eg: Thiosinaminum 200 ,8 pills daily for forty days rejunevates the entire system. The person who revealed this to me was 97 at that time and in full possesion of all his faculties. This medicine literally resets the bio clocks. But this is a general medicine and can be used by all though not to be repeated to many times. If constitutional medicines are exactly pinned and repeated this way, then many new techniques for restoring health are possible.

Can Pure Homeopathic process stand the spectroscopic study?
Ans: The PURE homoeopathic process creates a large number of molecules of the remedy which then lend themselves to physio-chemical analysis including spectroscopic studies.

Can PHP allow allopathic pharmacopia in enhancing patient compliance without damage?
Ans: Yes, the PHP allows even allopathic pharmacopia to be converted and used at much lesser dosage values enhancing patient compliance, minimizing damage ,(one of the basic principles of classical homeopathy.)

What is Factorial Homeopathic Process?
Ans: FHP is created by adding the same material of the remedy along with continuous potentization, creating e.g 6X will contain all potencies like Q,1X,2X,3X,4X,5X and 6X.

What is Pure Homeopathic Process?
Ans: PhP is created by continuous potentization the quantity of the required material is reached..... hence no addition of any thing; just continuous potentization creating a large amount of the required potency i.e 6X only...... no dilution at all.